Then he said, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." He replied to him, "Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise."
Re-living Calvary
By Bishop Precioso D. Cantillas, SDB, DD
Many would wonder why a criminal who was crucified with Jesus and who beg Him to be remembered when He comes into His kingdom was brought by Him to Paradise. One might say that a hard-working and law-abiding man would deserve celestial happiness rather than one who is considered as a social liability. Yet, Jesus seemed to be unmindful of the kind of work the man did or whether he did his job well or not when He promised him the reward of heaven. What the Lord seemed to have considered greatly important is that the repentant soul expressed a strong faith in the kingship of Jesus even when he saw Him as helpless as he was on the cross, and his simple and sincere desire to be with Him wherever this King would be.
For the working soul, this touching and moving gospel event could show that desiring to be with Jesus and asking Him to take us with Him would be more valuable and important than our work; therefore, it is vital for the worker to be always exert conscious effort to be and to unite with Jesus everywhere including the workplace—and even if He shows Himself as a suffering Lord—so that every act he does in his job would be not only be earthly satisfying but also heavenly compensating.
Everyone in the workplace, in whatever rank or position he occupies, could consider his job as a task given him by Christ the King. And when he faithfully accomplishes his work in faith and obedience to the King and offer all his energies at work as a humble prayer to be with Jesus for ever, the beautiful event in Calvary would be repeated once again, in time, at the ordinary workplace.
By Teresa R. Tunay, OCDS
Even if you are not a Bible scholar, or have never attended a Bible Study class, having been raised a Christian you may be familiar with the image of the “good thief” at the crucifixion of Jesus. Transfer that scene to your workplace and put yourself in the shoes—or on the cross—of the “good thief,” then look around and see who among your officemates would be Jesus to you. I don’t mean find the officemate that you would want crucified, but the one who would not only unconditionally forgive you if you asked for pardon but would also welcome you to a place of glory he is headed for.
How many Jesuses can you find? Your boss? (No, he’s more of a Pilate!) Your assistant? (No, he’s more like Judas!) The company president? (No, he’s hardly in the office, so invisible, so he’d be more like the father of Jesus!) So, who? Maybe the vice president? (Oh, his sexual orientation would make him more of a Magdalene!) Well, at least now you know it’s very hard to find a Jesus in your place of work. Why? Because most people think it’s only human to be hurt and angry, and that it’s only human for humans to be human, so why not leave unconditional forgiving and forgetting to the gods? Maybe you’ll find someone who can forgive you on certain conditions (like rival politicians) but forgiving your offenses and then finding the good in you, too, is just too much for a human being, right? Wrong.
You need not be the Son of God to do as He did; just bring the idea down to the concrete, graspable level and see for yourself. You can forgive without conditions when you realize that the offender also has a good side to him, just like any other human being. And when you support him after forgiving him, you are showing how noble your soul is. And that is also being human.
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