Sunday, August 27, 2017

The keys to the Kingdom

+ RWS 770 August 27, 2017, 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gospel: Matthew 16: 13-20
“…I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven…”

Going to heaven
By Bishop Precioso D. Cantillas, SDB, DD

      Among the words Jesus spoke to Peter were about the “keys to the kingdom of heaven”, which could bring us to understand man’s need to go to heaven and what is necessary to get there. The human being is created by God to enjoy His life and love for all eternity. When man, through a choice he makes, turns away from God through sin—a disobedience to the Creator’s will—he continues to long for the life and happiness in heaven. Through God’s mercy and love, man could go back to heaven through Jesus, with Him and in Him. Anyone who wishes to go to heaven, has to unite himself with Jesus, and in the means and manner that Jesus has established. The means for man’s salvation, for man’s going to heaven have been entrusted by Jesus to Peter and the Church established on him.
      One’s union with Christ through the Church and the Sacraments needs to be lived every day in one’s life. Being united with Christ is done not only through the spiritual acts of prayer, praise and worship of God in designated sacred places, like churches, altars and sanctuaries; one can and should be united with Jesus in his daily works and activities. Jesus’ life on earth—his work/mission of proclaiming the truths and teachings of God’s kingdom, his works of curing the sick and other services for the hungry and the poor, the suffering and death He went through in obedience to the will of the Father—brought Him the resurrection and the glory with the Father in heaven.  This daily life and work of Jesus is also the pattern with which anyone united with Him goes through his daily life, which will also earn for him the rewards of heaven.

The keys to the Kingdom
By Teresa R. Tunay, OCDS

      You may have noticed that during Holy Week procession, the statue of St. Peter comes with a rooster and a bunch of keys usually hanging from his belt.  The rooster is there to remind us of his denial—the cock crowed three times, remember?  And the keys—symbolic of his being the gatekeeper.  It is said that in the olden days, when one desires to see the king, a servant who holds the key opens the palace door, and then assists the guest in reaching the king’s court. Now, with so many interpretations of the “keys to… heaven”, it’s okay I guess to add one more that anyone can easily understand.
      In addition to what the bishop has stated above are practical “keys”, such as Faith—faith in “servant” who can lead us to His kingdom, and in the teachings of the Church Jesus Himself established.  Next, Hope—that which we hold on to when we seem to be lost and burdened, when things do not go the way we want them to; hope that our King will hear our pleas.  Then, Love—love as the main reason for our existence, the only value that will give us a foretaste of heaven on earth and will assure us of eternal life.  There are many other “keys”, such as  simplicity, temperance, fortitude, patience, etc. but as the scriptures say, “the greatest of these is love”.  It is because of love that God gave us life, and the knowledge that God loves us empowers us to pass love on to others, and by so doing—being the channels of Jesus’s love to mankind—the very same love will open His Kingdom’s gate for us, and see us through to an eternity of love with God.   

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